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Shavous Women's Night Out 2023

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 4 Sivan 5783

7:30 PM - 9:00 PM

Shavuos Women's Night Out
Join for a women's night out, creating your own beautiful flower arrangement, enjoy wine,  cheese desserts and great discussion!
Reserve a table with your friends! 

 Couvert: $36 per person
After May 14: $40 per person 
Complimentary for Partners in Pride
By Reservation only
Please Reserve Below!


Reservations below are for non active partners.
If you are an active partner please log in for your complimentary reservations.
Check your email for log in info or contact us!

So that we may better serve you!
• Please add the mobile and email of each individual in the reservation below.
• Please add yourself in a well on the drop down below.
  * Full Name Sit with
Please describe how your heard about us.
Please tell us who recommended us.
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