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Parent Handbook & Hebrew School Agreement


The Parent Handbook is designed to encourage your input and participation in our program by sharing our goals with you, and the steps we plan to take to meet them.

CETT Hebrew School is under the auspices of Bris Avrohom of Fair Lawn which is part of the worldwide Chabad Lubavitch organization and thus utilizes some of the very positive points of the Chabad ideology in educating your child.

A fresh, positive approach, lots of enthusiasm and a pressure free atmosphere is the hallmark of our Hebrew school.

The goal of CETT Hebrew School is to provide your children with an education and memories that will inspire them for a lifetime. We do this by instilling in them feelings of Jewish pride, along with a sense of caring about and sharing with another; a strong command of reading Hebrew, as well as writing and language; a love & attachment to the land of Israel past & present, and most importantly a genuine understanding of Judaism.

Our Hebrew School is dedicated to providing a Jewish education, which enables our children to secure the knowledge and understanding to permit them to be Jews who are proud of their Jewish identity.

So much of what we do depends on you, the parents.  Please view this handbook as an ongoing invitation to actively pursue the goals we share, at home and within your environment.


School Calendar: 
The Hebrew School calendar lists the dates that we will be having classes and when there will be no Hebrew school, as well as other time related information. Hebrew School begins on Sunday, September 15. The last day of Hebrew School is Sunday, May 11, 2025. The Hebrew School dates are also easily accessible on any page of our Hebrew School website. 

Snow days and school cancelations: 
In the event of severe weather, please check your email/ Facebook page, and/or the school website for cancelation notices.   

Hebrew School Grades:
Hebrew School classes begin at K class and go until 6th grade.
7th graders and up, can join on Sunday mornings to volunteer with tutoring, assisting and leading special activities. Please email for more info about volunteering. 

Hebrew school Hours: 
Hebrew school begins at 10:00am and finish at 12:30pm


Click here for a list of classes. 

Hebrew School Events: 
Events are planned throughout the year to enhance the Hebrew school experience. This includes Holiday parties, Shabbat dinners, Torah Competitions and more. We greatly encourage children to participate in these events to enhance the Hebrew school experience. 

Parent/School Communication: 
It is of great importance for the teacher to have any information, which can provide for the optimum learning situation.  Information of a physical, social and psychological nature can aid a teacher in planning instruction for each child.  Such information should be transmitted either in writing to, or by a private conference with the administration. This information will be kept strictly confidential.

Please note that school homework and crafts are sent home with your child. Kindly check his/her school bag after each school day and contact us if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's performance and/or progress.

 All school notices and information will be emailed directly to the address which you provided upon registration, please make sure to check it frequently.  

Behavioral Expectations: 
At CETT we strive to create an atmosphere that reflects our Jewish values.  We take pride in our student body which understands that respect for their teachers, respect for one another, and respect for themselves are essential for a successful learning environment. 

We expect: 
1. Every student to treat fellow students and staff members with courtesy. 
2. Classroom direction is followed promptly and quietly. 
3. Books and materials handed out to be handled with care and kept neatly organized. 
4. Proper decorum to be maintained in the classroom. 
5. All students to come to school prepared with a school bag, which includes the supplies they will need. 
6. All students to act responsibly and with caution, e.g. no running or jumping in the hallways or classroom and exercising care in the parking lot. 

Parents’ Responsibilities: 
Parents have the responsibility to please, 
1. Drop off and pick up the children on time. Please note that classes will begin on time. Therefore kindly bring your child a few minutes early, to ensure that we can begin promptly. 
2. Contact us regarding a classroom concern immediately. 
3. Be supportive and positive of Hebrew School programming and take an active part in your child's Jewish Education. 
4. Have children come to school prepared with supplies. 
5. Regularly check your email for school notices. 
6. Log on to the school website for updated pictures, and information. 

Drop-off and Pick-up Policy: 
Please read carefully the drop-off and pick-up policy for the safety of the children. 
The front door will not be used for Hebrew school drop-off and pick-up. 
Parents will need to park in the back of the synagogue and children will enter the building through the back door using the ramp. 

Pick-up is at 12:30pm and will be through the back door of the building as well. Children will be waiting at the back entrance to be picked up. Please park and walk into the building to pick up your child. 

Hebrew School Responsibilities: 
You should expect the school to fulfill the following: 
1. Provide a positive and warm Jewish environment for your child. 
2. Give your child basic knowledge and a taste of the Jewish Holidays, History, Customs and Traditions, Torah, Israel and Jewish Values. 
3. Keep you informed of your child's progress and class activities. 
4. Provide your child with a knowledgeable, responsible teacher who is dedicated and concerned about your child's well-being, personal interests and Jewish education. 
5. To provide your family with opportunities to learn, experience and enjoy our Jewish Heritage. 

Books, workbooks and a Hebrew school bag and homework folder are provided. 
Supplies are provided as well. 
Boys should wear a kippah to Hebrew School. 

Snacks such as pretzels, crackers and water will be provided during the break. All our snacks are nut free. 

Tzedaka (charity) is a concept, which is fundamental in Judaism. Our school attempts to develop a commitment among our students to share with others less fortunate than themselves by giving a few coins a day to charity.  Parents are asked to provide their children with a coin/s for Tzedaka.  Older children are encouraged to give Tzedaka from their own money.  

Cell phones and other valuable items: 
Children may not bring money, jewelry, radios, expensive toys, cell phones, Ipods etc. to school. These items even if used "only during recess" disrupts children's focus and concentration and does not allow for an optimum learning environment. As mentioned cell phones are not allowed, please do not send phones with your children to school. All cell phones if brought to school will be kept in the office until dismissal. 
We appreciate your cooperation with this policy.

CETT recognizes that children are on many different levels with regard to their fluency in the Hebrew language, and their knowledge of Judaism. We will cater to every child’s individual needs, and the curriculum will be modified accordingly. Please understand that your child will not be expected to comprehend the material of those that are more advanced than him/her. 

Students are encouraged to practice their reading at home and review the material that they learned. A homework assignment will be sent home weekly. We encourage the children to do their assignments in order to reinforce the learning, however homework is not mandatory. Parents should listen to their child's songs, stories and Hebrew reading, as this will reinforce your involvement in your child’s Jewish education. Show your child that you are interested in his/her Jewish education by making a habit of asking your children how their day was, and what they have learned. This will greatly encourage and help foster a strong and positive attitude. 

Attendance policy: 
Regular attendance is crucial in accomplishing the goals of our educational program. There is a direct correlation between attendance and achievement, interest and attitude.  Furthermore, coming late or leaving early disrupts the entire class and disrupts your child's classroom routine. Many of our students are involved in other extra curricular activities, i.e. sports, music lessons etc.  All these are important; however, please also place a priority on your child's Jewish education. 
Your support of our attendance policy will be greatly appreciated.

Reward System: 
Children are encouraged with incentives and rewards throughout the year. 

Disciplinary Action: 
At CETT, we are sure that the children will behave in a proper manner, we always use positive encouragement and focus on the good in each child. However should a problem arise, we will be in contact with the parents immediately to take care of the situation.  

Student Absence: 
Students are responsible for the material covered in class for their own benefit. It can be obtained from a friend, or from the school. In case of a student's absence for any length of time, the teacher should be notified and arrangements should be made for obtaining the material covered in class. 

Please notify us in case of a contagious disease so that we may notify the parents of other children in the class to be aware of the symptoms. In addition, kindly let us know if there are any changes in your child's health during the year e.g. vision, hearing etc. This will help us understand and cater to his/her needs. 

First Aid: 
The teacher will see to minor injuries.  Should something more serious occur, G-d forbid, the parents will be contacted immediately.  Should the parents be unavailable, the emergency contact will be notified and/or the child will be taken to the nearest hospital. 

Parent Absence: 
If, for any reason, parents will be away from home for any length of time, please advise the school.  This is especially important if the absence is due to special conditions, such as hospitalization, which may be upsetting to the child.  When teachers are aware of such conditions, they often can be of great help in alleviating the child's distress. 

School Records: 
Parents should notify the school promptly, of any change in address, telephone number, email, as well as any change regarding emergency situations. Such changes should be made by logging into your Hebrew School account. Promptness and accuracy are necessary to keep records up to date and to communicate with the home when necessary.  
Refund Policy: 
There are no refunds, credits or discounts for days missed due to illness, holidays, family vacations, other commitments or emergency closings due to weather, or for any other reason a child may miss a school day.

Miscellaneous Rules for Hebrew School: 
1.          Parents wishing to visit the classrooms should obtain permission from the administration.  
2.         Teachers are not permitted to converse with parents while the class is in progress or in the morning before class begins when teachers are busy with class preparation. They will be happy to arrange an appointment or telephone conference, or talk to you after school hours. 

How to help your child get the most out of Hebrew School: 
In order for our Hebrew School program to be most effective, the home and school must work hand in hand and promote a close partnership.  The following are a few suggestions. 
1. A growing child needs plenty of rest. Please set a reasonable bedtime for Saturday night and be consistent. 
2. Please provide your child with breakfast before he/she leaves the house for Hebrew school. A child who does not eat breakfast, is unable to participate in class properly. 
3. Be supportive of Hebrew School and comply with our attendance policy. (see above) 
4. Encourage your child/ren to practice their reading at home and review the material that they learned.  Parents should listen to their child's songs, stories and Hebrew reading. Show your child that you are interested in his/her Jewish education. (See also “homework” above). 

Click to see the Parent Hebrew School agreement

General Concerns: 
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding your child's class, we expect that you will contact us at (201) 791-7200, or email

We thank you very much, and look forward to a year full of learning and fun!


Fri, October 25 2024 23 Tishrei 5785