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Peace in Ukraine

Dear Friend,

I just got off a call with fellow Chabad Rabbis in Kharkov, and the Sumy region which borders Russia.

The situation is beyond devastating but the bravery of the people is awe inspiring and nothing short of unimaginable.

I feel humbled and completely unworthy to call these Chabad Rabbis and their families my colleagues. They could have left and could still get out if they wanted to. But these people are made of steel, refuse to leave their communities in the face of total chaos, panic, devastation, lack of basic needs and constant fear of the worst, only to be able to feed, shelter and get people to safety.

Their people tell them, please don't leave us, you are our only hope. As one Rabbi put it, “I could leave and save myself, but I would never be able to live with myself again.”

It’s inspiring how everyone, Jew and Gentile tells them that the prayers of the Jewish people the world over are literally a lifesaver in this situation. They have no idea how they're still alive and able to survive in the face of such demoralizing, depressing and physical danger.

What can we do?

1. Prayers work, just ask anyone surviving in Ukraine at this point and they will say, Yes, prayers work, please pray for us, our safety, our evacuation, and for peace! Also pray for the successful leadership and safety of Jewish president of Ukraine Volodimir ben Oleksandr.

2. Learn some Torah, every day in the merit of the safety and survival of innocent people.

3. Give Tzedakah, especially to help people on the ground who are helping real people. Getting supplies like food and other basics for survival takes great effort and organization, because transportation is very dangerous, can only be done by daylight and is therefore very costly. Please give to these two verified organizations who are supporting their communities, facilitating evacuation efforts, and providing food, safe shelter and basic needs to their communities.

Bris Avrohom has been involved with the Jewish Community in Zhytomyr, Ukraine for the past 15 years, assisting them in many ways. Now, we are being asked by the Rabbi to do our utmost to help and rescue the Jews in Zhytomyr.

Over 5,000 Jewish families live in Zhytomyr. Rabbi Shlomo and Esther Vilhelm, who run the Chabad in Zhytomyr, have an orphanage home, a school for children, a seminary for young adults as well as other essential activities, all which Bris Avrohom has been supporting for years.

The Rabbi remains in Zhytomyr where he is providing leadership, moral support and distributing hot meals and packages of food as well as assistance for evacuation.

Donate to the Zhytomir Ukraine Fund below.


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784